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Enjoy Ayurvedic massage with all your senses – the best ways to feel good

Imagine how warm oil gently drips onto your skin, how soothing fragrances enchant your senses and how rhythmic movements relieve your tension from head to toe! How stress and worries fall away from you and how nourishing oils make your skin soft and supple! This is exactly what you will experience with an Ayurvedic massage. But what are the most popular ways to feel good?


What are the benefits of an Ayurvedic massage?

Ayurvedic massages are far more than just a physical treatment. They are an experience for all the senses. An experience that not only affects all your senses, but also has a balancing effect on all levels of your organism.
While classic massages often only address the muscles, Ayurvedic massage aims to improve your overall well-being. In addition to physical relaxation, these massages also stimulate mental clarity and emotional balance.
Ayurveda uses warm oils, medicinal herbal tinctures and special massage techniques to harmonize the flow of energy in your body and release internal blockages and deep-seated tension. Each massage is individually tailored to you and your body type to achieve a holistic effect on body, mind and soul.

What Ayurvedic massages are there?

The world of Ayurvedic massages is diverse and offers the right ritual for everyone. At the Mandira Ayurveda Resort, we offer you a wide selection of traditional massage techniques with a very diverse range of effects. We would like to introduce you to the most important ones here:

Ayurvedic Abhyanga full body massage

Abhyanga, the Ayurvedic full-body massage, is considered the “mother of all massages” in Indian medicine. During this massage, your entire body is massaged from head to toe with warm oil and gentle, flowing movements.
Abhyanga helps to keep the circulation intact, remove toxins from the body and calm the nervous system. At the same time, every cell in your body is nourished and revitalized. You will feel stronger, more beautiful and full of energy afterwards.
In addition to the regular Abhyanga full body massage, we also offer the exclusive synchronized Abhyanga treatment, where you are pampered by two therapists at the same time!

Garshan massage

In contrast to oil-based massages, a dry silk glove is used for the Garshan massage. This stimulates your circulation and supports detoxification. It can also significantly improve the appearance of your skin. The massage can also stimulate the lymph flow and help your body to remove accumulated water. This can have a positive effect on cellulite and lead to silky smooth skin.

Shirodhara – forehead oil pouring

With this special technique, warm oil is poured onto your forehead in a steady stream. The soothing treatment supports you with stress, sleep problems and migraines.
To achieve an effective effect, we offer Shirodhara as a complement to the Abhyanga full body massage.

Udvartana massage

This powerful powder massage with barley meal benefits both your metabolism and your skin. The vigorous movements and natural active ingredients exfoliate your skin and have a detoxifying effect.

Jambira Pinda Sveda massage

The traditional herbal stamp massage (Jambira Pinda Sveda massage) helps you with cellulite, weight problems and hyperacidity. Our warm lemon compresses are made in-house and consist exclusively of high-quality organic products and exquisite herbal oils.

Experience the power of Ayurveda massage at the Mandira Ayurveda Resort

Of course, this selection is only a small insight into the varied massage program that we offer you. At the Mandira Ayurveda Resort, you have the opportunity to enjoy the beneficial effects of Ayurvedic massages to the full. Our detox and wellness treatments are specially designed to cleanse your body, calm your mind and nourish your soul.
Our experienced therapists use only the finest oils and herbs to ensure that every massage is an unforgettable experience. Whether you opt for an Abhyanga full body massage or an invigorating Garshan massage, you are in the best hands with us.


mit dem Dosha-Test

Doshas sind drei Konstitutionstypen oder Lebensenergien, die in jedem Menschen ausgeprägt sind. Finden Sie mit unserem Dosha-Test heraus, welcher Konstitutionstyp bei Ihnen am stärksten ausgeprägt ist und die Ursache für körperliche wie geistige Beeinträchtigungen ist. Die Balance der Lebensenergien (die Doshas Vata, Pitta und Kapha) ist der Schlüssel zur Gesundheit. Eine ausführliche Auswertung Ihres Tests, verbunden mit einer Empfehlung für eine passende Kur bei uns, senden wir Ihnen per E-Mail zu.