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Soothing Abhyanga – A Massage with Convincing Effects

What if you could benefit from a very special massage from Ayurveda? A massage that not only provides relaxation and regeneration on all levels but also boosts your energy and releases emotional blockages? Discover and fall in love with the Abhyanga massage!

The Abhyanga Full-Body Massage: Premium Ayurveda Treatment

Massages play a significant role in Ayurvedic teachings. It’s not just about the wellness factor but primarily about maintaining health. The goal is to achieve a balanced relationship of the doshas. There are more than 300 different types of massages in Ayurveda, but none is as well-known and popular as the Ayurvedic Abhyanga massage. This fascination is understandable, as Abhyanga is one of the most profound and intensive massages in Ayurveda.

Traditionally, large amounts of warm oil (mostly ghee, sesame, or coconut oil) are used for the Abhyanga massage. Medicinal herbal oils are also employed to enhance the effects. What makes this oil massage special is that it involves the entire body, with a particular focus on the head, face, hands, and feet. These areas contain most of the energy points, known as “marmas” in Sanskrit. The comprehensive effect of the Ayurvedic full-body massage can be attributed to the treatment of these crucial points.

How does the Abhyanga Massage Work?

magine feeling younger, lighter, and happier and radiating this from within! With a healthy lifestyle, a diet suited to your body type, and beneficial Abhyanga massages, you are on the right path.

The Abhyanga full-body massage has numerous positive effects:

  • It is said to have a calming and balancing effect on the body and mind.
  • Like classical massages, it can help relieve muscle tension.
  • It can also stimulate blood circulation and metabolism through gentle massage.
  • On a subtle level, it promotes the flow of energy in the body.
  • The warm oil penetrates deep into the skin, nourishing the cells and enhancing skin appearance.
  • It also supports the body’s detoxification processes.

Regular application of this traditional Ayurvedic massage can lead to long-term physical and psychological well-being.

What to Expect from an Abhyanga Massage at Ayurveda Resort Mandira

If you’re familiar with our offerings, you may have noticed that Abhyanga is a key component of most of our treatment packages. It is an indispensable element for detoxification and a welcome aid in stress management. You can expect a unique massage experience with us.

In the spirit of holistic care, you will receive a massage that is uniquely tailored to your constitutional needs. Our experienced masseurs and therapists are specially trained to cater to the needs of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

  • For Vata doshas, who often suffer from dry skin and cold limbs, we use especially warming and soothing oils like sesame oil, which penetrates deeply into the skin and provides long-lasting moisture. A gentle massage with slow and rhythmic movements helps the volatile Vata type to calm the nervous system and feel more grounded.
  • Pitta doshas, who are often plagued by inflammation due to their heat, benefit from cooling and soothing oils like coconut or sandalwood oil. The massage techniques here are also gentler and with moderate pressure. They help Pittas relax and focus inward.
  • Kapha doshas, who tend to stagnation and heaviness, receive a stronger massage with dynamic movements and stimulating oils like mustard or olive oil. This stimulates the metabolism and activates the lymphatic system.

You can book this beneficial treatment as a single massage or enjoy it as part of comprehensive Ayurveda treatments. Our holistic Ayurveda programs include other treatments such as Panchakarma, Shirodhara, and specialized dietary programs. These holistic approaches ensure that you benefit not only during the massage but also in the long term from the positive effects.

Get to know

with our Dosha Test

Doshas are three constitutional types or life energies that are pronounced in every person. Find out with our Dosha test which constitutional type is most pronounced in you and the cause of physical and mental impairments. The balance of life energies (the Doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) is the key to health. We will send you a detailed analysis of your test, along with a recommendation for a suitable treatment with us, via email.