Panchakarma Stirnguss, Ayurveda Resort Mandira
Soothing Abhyanga – A Massage with Convincing Effects
June 27, 2024
5 Ayurvedic Tips for More Energy in Everyday Life
August 19, 2024

Stay Cool Despite the Heat – Enjoy a Carefree Summer

Do you want to enjoy your summer actively and without feeling tired? Would you like to experience the best time of the year with full energy and no heavy limbs? Are you looking forward to meeting friends and family? Then you are in the right place. We have compiled valuable tips from Ayurveda for you. They will help you feel more energized, better, and radiant despite the heat.

What you can do against the Heat

Ayurveda, along with other holistic practices, offers a treasure trove of tips to beat the heat. The key is to shield yourself from the external heat that can strain and weaken the body. Here’s how you can stay cool:

  • Dress Smart: When you’re out and about during the day, opt for light-colored clothing made from natural fabrics like cotton or linen. These materials breathe better and keep you cooler than synthetic fabrics.
  • Cool Your Home: Keep your living space cool by ventilating well in the evening and morning, and closing windows and doors during the day. Use curtains or blinds to block out sunlight and prevent your home from heating up.
  • Hydrate with Cold Water: Cold water is a lifesaver in hot weather. For Vata types, who might experience circulatory issues in the heat, running cold water over your wrists can provide immediate relief. Alternating between cold and lukewarm showers in the morning can also kickstart your circulation.

Staying Fit and Energetic Despite the Heat: Ayurveda Tips

Ayurveda goes beyond external cooling measures. To stay fit and healthy in the heat, it’s essential to balance the excessive Pitta dosha through a healthy lifestyle, a cooling diet, regular exercise, and ample relaxation.

  • Cooling Foods: Incorporate foods that cool your body from the inside out. (Check out our blog post on cooling foods for more details!)
  • Stay Active: Physical activity remains crucial even in the summer. It not only strengthens the body but also stimulates metabolism and digestion, preventing the accumulation of toxins. Exercise also combats heat-induced fatigue and reduces stress, a major energy drain during hot weather.

Exercising in the Summer Heat

Exercise is indispensable, no matter the season. Everyone can enhance their well-being through appropriate physical activity. At Mandira Ayurveda Resort, we offer a variety of movement therapies designed to bring joy back into your exercise routine.

Depending on your preferences and needs, our resort’s Ayurveda therapy program includes intensive cardio, strength training, and gentle, mobilizing exercises like yoga, somatics, back fitness, and fascia training. The stunning landscapes of the Styrian hills also provide the perfect backdrop for outdoor activities such as hiking, jogging, cycling, tennis, or golfing during the cooler parts of the day.

Don’t forget to Relax

Balanced nutrition and proper exercise are essential, but so is giving your body time to recover. The summer heat can be taxing, making relaxation and regeneration crucial.

Our resort offers various relaxation techniques to support your journey. Meditation, mindfulness exercises, and pranayamas (breathing exercises) help you find inner balance, peace, and mental clarity.

In the healing thermal waters of Bad Waltersdorf, you’ll experience deep relaxation and rejuvenation. With our special resort offerings, your summer will be carefree and refreshing.

Get to know

with our Dosha Test

Doshas are three constitutional types or life energies that are pronounced in every person. Find out with our Dosha test which constitutional type is most pronounced in you and the cause of physical and mental impairments. The balance of life energies (the Doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) is the key to health. We will send you a detailed analysis of your test, along with a recommendation for a suitable treatment with us, via email.