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Depressive moods don’t have to be – tips for your inner balance

What if you could let happiness and joy into your heart even on bad days? What if depressive moods no longer ruined your day, but you could simply accept them and let them move on? What if we told you that a life of equilibrium and inner balance is also possible for you?

Why should you do something about depressive moods?

Negative thoughts, inner restlessness and anxiety are just as much a part of the symptoms of a depressive mood as the feeling of being physically and mentally numb and simply no longer feeling any joy.
All of us can suffer from a depressive mood at times. However, it is better not to let it arise in the first place. Because the more often and longer this mood persists, the greater the risk of mental illness, which can severely restrict you and your social life and also cause physical complaints.
Depressive moods and depression should never be taken lightly. Especially if the low lasts for several days or even weeks, it is important to seek professional help. This is the only way to avoid the worst in the long term.

How can the Mandira Ayurveda Resort help you?

Our Ayurvedic cures and therapies can support you in many ways to feel joy again. This is because at our Mandira Ayurveda Resort, our holistic approach means that it is not just the symptoms of a depressive mood that play a role, but above all the causes. Be it hormonal changes, stress, other illnesses or an unsuitable lifestyle.
We support you in identifying the causes through accompanying discussions, freeing your body, mind and soul from heavy baggage and rebuilding your inner resilience through the right diet, personalised treatments and relaxation techniques.
support you on all levels.
From an Ayurvedic point of view, these cures are of course not only recommended when depressive symptoms are already noticeable. It is best if you do something good for yourself and take preventative action.

Finding inner harmony: helpful tips from Ayurveda

We have summarised seven useful tips from Ayurveda on how you can avoid depressive moods and stay more balanced inside.
– Create daily routines, called dinacharya in Ayurveda! These not only give structure and stability to your day, but also to yourself.
– Practise relaxation techniques regularly! Even 10 to 15 minutes of daily meditation practice can calm your mind and create clarity. It also helps you to break through negative thought patterns and restore your inner balance.
Breathing exercises (pranayama) such as ‘Nadi Shodhana’, alternate breathing, or ‘Bhramari’, bee breathing, also calm your mind and give you a feeling of peace and balance. The same applies to heart-opening and relaxing yoga asanas such as the child’s pose ‘Balasana’.
– Make sure you eat well and regularly! A balanced diet tailored to your dosha can make a big difference. Fresh, seasonal and sattvic, i.e. pure and energising foods nourish your body and mind optimally.
Spend time in the fresh air regularly to calm your senses and recharge your batteries! Walks in the forest in particular help you to restore your inner balance and lift your mood.
Cultivate your social contacts! A warm hug and shared laughter are true balm for the soul.
Practise self-love too! Daily self-massage (abhyanga) with warm sesame or coconut oil calms your nervous system, supports blood circulation and your feeling of security. This practice is particularly helpful in harmonising the vata dosha, which is often associated with anxiety and restlessness.

Utilise the power of natural remedies such as Brahmi or Ashwagandha, which we also like to use in our therapies! Ashwagandha is a particularly powerful adaptogen that supports you in reducing stress and keeping the nervous system intact. It supports emotional stability and can help to alleviate the symptoms of depressive moods.

Doctor Koller warmly greeting a hotel guest on an outdoor terrace, surrounded by comfortable seating and vibrant flowers, with a scenic background of trees and a clear blue sky.

Get to know

with our Dosha Test

Doshas are three constitutional types or life energies that are pronounced in every person. Find out with our Dosha test which constitutional type is most pronounced in you and the cause of physical and mental impairments. The balance of life energies (the Doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) is the key to health. We will send you a detailed analysis of your test, along with a recommendation for a suitable treatment with us, via email.